You Can’t Be Perfect The First Time

you don't need to be perfect

Why is it, that when we start to do something new, we get frustrated when it is not perfect? Why is it, I don’t think I can learn something new?

You get good at something by doing it wrong, over and over again. Each time making it just a little better.

That is the point of this 30 day blogging challenge. So I will get better at writing on this blog. So what if it is not perfect. (It will never be perfect)

The same can be said for business. The people I know, people I have worked with, were failures with their first business. They lost money, they let people down, it just didn’t work.

But they learned a lot! They learned how to work with people. How to sell their product. How to put together a tribe.

They failed, and they failed again, but then they succeeded. Succeeded big time.

How many times can a baby fall down before they should stop trying to walk?

How many times can you fail before you should stop trying to start a business?

How many blog posts do you write, that nobody reads, before you stop writing on your blog?

You Can’t Be Perfect The First Time
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