Elementor #888

So this post was to be titled, You Have My Permission, and be about how you don’t need anyone elses permission to do what you want to do.  But now that looks like it is a post for another time. 

Because it has been awhile since I have posted to this blog, and when I just jumped in, without any planning, as I do, without thinking that I should do this before I do that and such and the title “Elementor #888” came up.

That is not what I want so I tried a few things to change it and they would seem to work, but when I came back to the post it was still Elementor #888.  

And I was about to go down the rabbit hole of figuring out how to change the title on my post, it should be simple but then I stopped myself. 


I stopped myself because I realized a few things. 

So many times I sit down to write, but then I notice that I should tweak this or tweak that.  Or there is an interesting new plug-in that I should look into  or maybe I should go find the perfect picture to go with the post.  Or for whatever reason, I don’t know how to do something that should be simple, like change the title on my post, so I spend all of my time re-learning how to change the title on my post.   

And before I know it the time for writing is over, and nothing has been written. 


And then, there is the title,  Elementor #888.  I like the way it sounds.  It could be the title of a complex science fiction novel. I may be wasting a fabulous title on a blog post of meandering random thoughts. 

888.  My favorite number is 8.  Right side up or upside down it is the same, and if you put it on its side it is the infinity symbol.  And when you put 3 of them together you have a triad of completeness. 

So I have an awesome title on a rambling post.

A post with no editing, no picture, no seo.  

Maybe a even a little weird. 

Peace, Love and Joy


Elementor #888

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